It’s the month of thanks. This November, United Country Real Estate asked its agents, brokers and auctioneers across the country why they are #UnitedAndThankful. Here are some of their responses:
“When I started in 1985, I was young and ambitious. I never worked so hard those first few years as I had in my life. But believe me it has been worth it! You see, I wanted to raise my family in the country and I planned on farming also. Well, that’s what we’ve done for the last 30+ years. Donna and I have lived the United Country life and shared it with our family: two kids and now six grand kids. United Country has been part of our extended family and we have forged awesome friendships that have blossomed through the years. Our business has been consistent. We are thankful for all the clients we have worked with all these years, and we are really thankful for the wonderful opportunities we’ve received through our relationship with United County. We live in United Country. Life is good!” – Brad Maitland, owner/broker of United Country Real Estate | Preferred Real Estate in Milaca, Minn.
“Of course I am thankful for my family and friends, but I am also thankful for those that I do not know… the ones who work hard every day to make this world a better place. The ones that are kind and accepting of others even when they differ. The ones that give of themselves whenever and however they can even in the smallest way. These are the people I am truly thankful for as they make our world a better place.” – Mitzi Herber, owner/broker of United Country Real Estate | Town & Country Realty LLC in Platteville, Wis.
“I am thankful that we found United Country Real Estate when we decided to start a real estate company back in 2002. Because of the valuable tools available to United Country brokers, my business has grown more than I could ever have imagined.” – Patrick Gibson, co-owner/broker of United Country Real Estate | Gibson Realty & Land Company in McComb, Miss.
“I am thankful to be a United Country Real Estate agent. I am thankful to be represented by a company that markets to rural America and be the only national company to do this. I am thankful for a company that keeps me on the leading edge of technology and a company that has stood the test of time since 1925. I’m thankful to have a company with open doors that you can talk to any level with ease and care. Lastly, I am thankful to be represented by a company that believes in God, loves my country and is not ashamed to say so.” – Bruce Witt, agent with United Country Real Estate | The O’Connor Agency in Cameron, Mo.
“I grew up on a 1200-acre farm east of Bethany, Mo. At the time, I didn’t realize how great it was to grow up in the country. At age 24, I moved to the outskirts of Boston, Mass., where I was married and had two boys. At age of 32, we packed up and headed home because I wanted to raise our boys in the country. Little did I know it would be with United Country. My dad asked me what I was going to do and I told him I wasn’t for sure. He suggested that I get my real estate license and go to work with him. When I was younger and thought I would be going into the family farming business, I used to think my father would be the best person to learn from. I may have gotten a little side-tracked but I learned another family business from my father. After four years of absorbing his knowledge, I purchase the real estate business from him. That was in 2000 and since then my wife and I have been very blessed. We credit our success to having a relationship with the Lord Christ Jesus. I didn’t say it was always easy, actually, most of the time it was hard. But being able to come back home and reestablish the country living lifestyle that I grew up with wouldn’t have been possible without having the United Country franchise. Thirty one years total and two generations later… we are UNITED.” Tony Nelson, owner/broker of United Country Real Estate | Nelson Real Estate & Auction Company in Bethany, Mo.
“We are thankful for our friends, co-workers, customers and clients for all of their support and friendship. We are so thankful to be able to live and work in the beautiful Ozarks!” – The United Country Real Estate | Ozarks Country Living Real Estate team in Mountain Grove, Mo.
“My office is the oldest United Country Real Estate office in the state of West Virginia. Since 1975, United Country has given us the advantage with its amazing marketing program over our competition. I began working for George Adrian in 1997 and bought the company and franchise from him in 2001. I could not break tradition so 41 years later we are still UCRE | Adrian Properties WV, LLC, and I feel truly blessed and thankful to have such a wonderful team and be part of the United Country family.” – Jane Hess Wilson, owner/broker for United Country Real Estate | Adrian Properties WV, LLC, in Ellensboro, W.V.
Now, we want to hear from you. Why are you #UnitedAndThankful? Tell us in the comments or use the hashtag on Facebook and Twitter. Let’s spread the message of thanks across the United States.
In 1928, United Country changed the real estate marketing landscape by introducing the first real estate catalog. In the 80 years since, we’ve found a few other ways to communicate
A landowner has the option to sell their land on their own or use a real estate agent or auctioneer. Many times a landowner has been approached by an adjoining