Warm, dry conditions can cause fires to start and spread very quickly. Whether it’s an electrical fire, brush fire or wildfire, it’s never too late to start preparing your property for potential fire hazards.
If you live in the country where fire dangers are prevalent, you might already pay attention to red flag warnings and other alerts aimed to let the public know of favorable fire conditions. However, there are many things you can do before those conditions occur.
Prepare and protect your home.
Prepare and protect your land.
It’s important to make sure a proper plan is in place no matter where you live. A fire can happen in a split second. Also, make sure all family members are aware of the plan and have easy access to emergency contact numbers. During wildfire season, regularly check the American Red Cross website which lists all active wildfires across the country.
United Country Real Estate specializes in the purchase and sale of lifestyle real estate from coast-to-coast. To learn more about buying or selling a country home, recreational property, ranch, farm or other lifestyle property, visit www.unitedcountry.com.
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