Every week we share a story with you from someone who’s found their freedom with United Country. From buyers to sellers, from brokers to managers – everyone in the United Country family has a story. Today’s post comes from Myers Jackson, auctioneer and owner of United Country – Certified Real Estate in Tifton, Ga.
Myers Jackson, CAI, AARE, ATS, CES, E-pro, auctioneer, joined the United Country family in 2008. After becoming friends with Shawn Terrel, vice president of auction services, he was convinced that United would offer both a nationwide presence and advanced technology.
He hit the ground running, finishing 2009 as United Country’s No. 1 auction-focused office in the nation and earning the company’s Summit Elite Award for sales, an honor given to only two of United Country’s more than 600 offices.
“Our ability to differentiate from the competition is one reason we have succeeded,” Myers said. “Joining United Country two years ago gave us name brand recognition on a nationwide platform, allowing us to really put the company’s marketing and technology tools to work for our clients.”
Myers also noted that since affiliating with United Country, he’s “expanded [his] sphere of influence, acquired new friends and broadened [his] scope of available markets and networking abilities.”
Today, Myers is sharing a case study of how he is expanding his business with the United Country system.
Our company made a commitment in January to be more proactive in using the hybrid method of real estate marketing that United Country is known for. We continued to pursue auction listings but began aggressively searching for conventional listings as well.
In March, I met with the owners of a 193-acre ranch in southern Georgia. The appointment to list the land for sale had been in the making for about a month, and I went to the meeting with lot of information on horse properties and equine facilities from United Country’s specialty website and vertical marketing tools. I also took the usual United Country specialty magazines, but I only had one prominent national magazine – duPont Registry – where we had placed an advertisement.
The most interesting thing is what happened next. During my listing presentation, I said that United Country has ads in major magazines around the country, including Progressive Farmer. I stated, however, I did not have a copy with me.
Before I could end the statement, one of the sellers placed a copy of Progressive Farmer in front of me. I said thanks and flipped through the pages. It fell open to a full-page, full-color ad for United Country land for sale across the United States.
The sellers just said, “Wow.”
My presentation was superseded by the fact that, even as I had planned for this meeting, the presence of what we do and what we profess is at our fingertips, even when we don’t realize it. The sellers and I proceeded to the listing agreement without hesitation, signing a one-year commitment with a great commission.
Now, when I entered into this appointment, I did not plan for all of this to happen. It never even occurred to me that the seller would have the material that I needed for my own presentation! But now that I think about it, I realize that since 1925, United Country has been in homes across America.
To learn more about the property that Myers mentioned, watch the video or check out the listing.
If you’ve found your freedom with United Country, please send us your story to be featured in a future blog post!
“No one ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required of him; it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required that
Many people predicted that farmland values would finally begin to decline in 2012, after nearly 20 years of growth. But, according to the USDA, the historic increase in farmland values