Every week we share a story with you from someone who’s found their freedom with United Country. From buyers to sellers, from brokers to managers – everyone in the United Country family has a story. Today’s post comes from Michele Frisby, director of production and graphics.
After college I spent a long time looking for a job, sending in resumes, going to interviews – and getting discouraged.
I told my dad that I felt like my skills didn’t really matter. There were so many people out there just like me, looking for the same job as me and likely just as qualified as me. It seemed more a matter of luck whether or not I would get a job in my studied field of work.
He said something that I will never forget, have repeated many times and have passed on to my children. “Yes, it is a matter of luck. But you only get lucky if you put yourself in the position to get lucky.”
So I continued to put myself out there sending out resumes and going to interviews. I knew the more I did this, the more likely I was to “get lucky” and find a great job with a great company.
Six months later, I got lucky.
I saw an ad in the Sunday paper for a position at United Country Real Estate. I was happy to find such a great company, and I knew United had the potential to grow. I hoped I could grow with it – and I have.
I ‘ve learned a lot in the past 14 years with United, and I feel like I’m learning something new almost every day. I really like watching all the advances and changes that are happening with our company, like the lifestyle publications, Auction Services, Home Mortgage, etc. I could go on and on. Those types of changes keep my job fun, and I’m glad to be part of this company!
I was hired by United Country in 1996 and after 14 years with the company, I am still living by my dad’s words. If I want something that seems too farfetched or impossible, I put myself in the position to get it. Somehow I JUST KEEP GETTING LUCKY!
I love this company and can’t imagine being anywhere else. I can’t wait to see where the future takes it.
If you’ve found your freedom with United Country, please send us your story to be featured in a future blog post!
Land can be a great investment, particularly when it offers recreational opportunities. You can’t make more of it and you won’t lose money if you buy it right and in
Every week we’re going to share a story with you from someone who’s found their freedom with United Country. From buyers to sellers, from
brokers to managers – everyone in the