When you pass by an undeveloped, vacant piece of land, you might not realize the potential and investment opportunities within that land.
Vacant, “raw” land means the property is in its most natural state. It hasn’t been cultivated, cleared, or had anything built on it. Throughout the years, land has been increasing in value and becoming a rare opportunity over time. It’s also extremely flexible in how you can use it. Some ways you can utilize vacant land are:
Building a home. Whether it’s a tiny home, country estate or farm home and barn, you can build what you want. You could even build to sell since the housing market is booming right now.
Hunting and other recreational activities. Undeveloped land means more animals could be roaming nearby, which could lead to prime hunting grounds. Activities like hunting as well as dirt biking, mountain biking and hiking require little to no maintenance and are a lot of fun.
Farming. If the soil and climate are right, some of the land can be perfect for farming. If you aren’t a farmer, you can also lease some of the land and make some extra money.
Off-the-grid living. Sustainable or ‘off-the-grid” living is gaining popularity. Since living off-the-grid means no public utilities and being completely disconnected, vacant land is perfect for those passionate about it.
Easements. Someone may not want the full property, but want to use a small part of it for access to their property. You can put an easement on part of the land and actually make money doing so. The other type of easement is a conservation easement, where you would leave that part of land untouched for certain types of wildlife to flourish.
Many agents encourage those on the fence to buy land now. United Country Real Estate agent, Bruce Witt, said to buy land now, because once land is listed, it’s gone quickly.
“I’ve never had someone get mad at me for selling them a piece of land. I’ve just had them mad at me for not selling them enough,” said Witt. “It’s a great investment. Better than the stock market. They aren’t making any more of it. If you wait on an available piece of land, it will be gone before you know it. Owning land can give you a sense of security. You can live on it, grow things on it and hunt on it. The opportunities are endless.”
United Country Real Estate is a leader in vacant land, recreational land and homes on land. If you’re looking to buy or sell your own piece of land, contact one of our experts today. Find one near you at www.UnitedCountry.com.
Land can be a great investment, particularly when it offers recreational opportunities. You can’t make more of it and you won’t lose money if you buy it right and in