If you were raised in the country, you might already know how beautiful country living can be. If you’ve never experienced living in the country or having a home with extra acreage, you’re missing out on living better.
There are many rewards to living the country life. However, it’s a lot different than the hustle and bustle of the city. Here are some of the reasons we think owning a home in the country should be on your bucket list of items to purchase.
It’s good for your health, literally. Stress levels go down when you live in the country. You can sleep better and relax more due to the privacy and peace and quiet. No more car horns, loud buses or neighbors screaming. Studies have also shown the risk for anxiety disorders and mood disorders are between 20-40 percent less for those living in the country.
Enjoy more space. Having a big backyard (more acreage) gives you space to enjoy some hobbies you might have been putting off. Start a garden to enjoy some fresh fruits and vegetables and get more in touch with nature by doing recreational activities like hunting, fishing and camping. The possibilities are endless.
You’ll get to know more people. Smaller towns usually have a more tight knit community. Everyone knows your name and if you need help with anything, there are usually multiple town folk willing to help you out.
You can just breathe. Everyone needs a break sometimes. In the country, everything goes at a slower pace. Relax on your porch with a glass of sweet tea and enjoy simple pleasures in life. By the way, country air is a lot cleaner than city air.
Whether you’re ready to retire or buying your first starter home with your family, a home in the country can be fitting for just about anyone. Take that step and start enjoying those beautiful sunsets today!
If you’re interested in buying a home in the country, United Country Real Estate has professionals all over the U.S. ready to help you find the perfect property. Contact us to find an agent near you at 800-999-1020.
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